Dec 15, 2007

Basic Formatting HTML Tags

Here are some basic HTML tags for you, you may need them in some cases.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HTML tags with text
- <b>bold</b>

- <strong>strong</strong> (usually bold)
- <u>underlined</ul>
- <i>italics</i>
- <em>emphasis</em> (usually italics)
- <strike>strike through</strike>
- <center>This centers text on the page</center>
- <tt>teletype text</tt> (typewriter text)
- <blockquotes>blockquotes</blockquotes>

Links tags
- Basic Link <a href=”url”>link title</a> (where ‘url’ is the page you want to link to and ‘link title’ is the word/s that you want the link to say.
- Email Link <a href=”mailto:EMAIL”></a> (where ‘EMAIL’ is the email address you want to be a link).

Heading Tags

- <h1>An important heading</h1>
- <h2>A slightly less important heading</h2>
- <h3>A less important heading again</h3>
- <h6>The smallest heading</h6>

Font Tags

- Font Size - <font size=”x”>text to change</font> - change ‘x’ value to get different sizes. 1 is small and 7 is big.
- Colors - <font color=”#FF0000″>I’m red!</font> (get color codes here)
Font type - <font face=”Arial”>Hello there</font>

Image tags
- Basic Image tag - <img src=”url”> (where url = the url of the image you want to show)
- Image with sizing <img src=”url” width=”200″ height=”150″>
- Align image left - <img src=”name” align=left> (substitute ‘left’ with ‘right’ to align it right)
- Alt Tags - <img src=”url” alt=”short description of image”> (an alt tag tells the reader what they are missing if the image doesn’t load in their browser.
- Image as a link - <a href=”link url”><img src=”url”></a> (where ‘link url’ is the url of the page you want the image to link to and ‘url’ is the image location).
- Image with border - <img border=”1″ src=”url”> (the larger the number in the border “” the thicker the border)
- Space Around Image <img src=”url” hspace=10 vspace=10> (hspace is the horizontal space and vspace is the verticle space. The numbers are the amount of pixels sounding the image)
- <a href=”img url”> <img border=”1″ src=”url” width=”65″ height=”38″ align=left hspace=10 vspace=10></a> (an image that is a link that has a border 1 pixel wide, that is 65 pixels wide and 38 pixels high, that aligns left on the page and is surrounded by 10 pixels both horizontally and vertically).

Unordered Lists

<li>the first list item</li>
<li>the second list item</li>
<li>the third list item</li>

Ordered Lists
<li>the first list item</li>
<li>the second list item</li>
<li>the third list item</li>

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