Aug 19, 2007

How to make a "read more" link on your post?

Sometimes, you'd like to shorten your post to show more posts on the homepage of your blog or you just want save some space on your blog instead of those very long posts. You can write a part of your post and then add a "read more" link. So how to do that?

It's not difficult, you can do like this:

- Firstly, you create and post your post and choose a "fake" day for your post, some day that before the time your blog was created =^^=. You can click "Post options" and edit the post date : )

- Let's copy the html link of that post.

- And then, you create another post like usual (true date), but you just have to write a part of it there, such as a first part or an introduction for post, and then add the link you have of the above post (with "fake" date) on.

That's all. This post is an example for this tutorial.

Hope you like it!

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